
What is Spiritual Art?

Cortez Curtis and Michael Zieve
hang art by Dina Soker.

What is spiritual art? This discussion will be on going at the Life Force Arts Center, 3148 N. Lincoln Avenue in Chicago.

Some wonderful artists were at the center today to hang the art that will be showing for the next week and during the 1st Annual Chicago Festival of Spiritual Art May 22-25. In viewing the visual art we see an incredibly broad range of styles, subject, energy and meaning.

Art by Laurel Smith

Throughout the weekend innovative performances and presentations, as well as panel discussions will explore the extremes and depths of spiritual art. Some of these events will be truly cutting edge in the realm of consciousness.

So, what is spiritual art?

Panel Discussion #1 - 3pm to 4pm Saturday, May 23
Words and Spirit
How does Spirit manifest in words? Along with images (I Mages), words are the content of our magic tool box, shaping our reality. we have created a bifurcated language, one side of which is objective, material, scientific, the other spiritual, poetic, metaphoric. Putting them together puts us back together. The art of living is finding what gives us joy; hearing again the Original Magical Language.

Panel Discussion#2 - 6pm to 7 pm, Saturday, May 23
Theater, Magic and the Energy Field
Theater and ritual both work with the human energy field. Join our panelists as they discuss the commonalities of theater and energy work practices.

Panel Discussion #3 - 11am to 12 pm Sunday, May 24
The Art of Being an Audience
When we approach observing art (being the audience) as spiritual practice and spiritual healing, whole new meanings and purposes of art emerge. The interaction of the artist and audience is entirely different when the audience "gets" the art at this level. Vice versa, the audience member can consciously utilize any art as a powerful tool of spiritual connection
and healing. Our panelists discuss personal and professional experiences of the Conscious Audience.

Panel Discussion #4 - 4 pm to 5pm, Sunday, May 25
Story, Energy and Iconography
Different approaches to spiritual art.

The performances, visual art and presentations soften the boundaries between the arts and the spirit and fully integrates them as a whole.

So, what is spiritual art?

Come this weekend and find out.
Come for new experiences, ideas, perceptions, feelings and sensations.
Join us for the discussion.

For full schedule of events go to www.lifeforcearts.org

For those readers who can't be with us in person, I invite you to add your comments on the question: What is Spiritual Art?

By Laurel Smith - www.movinglightgallery.blogspot.com

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(847) 814-8395