

"There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic."

~ Anais Nin

View "ILLUMINATION"  by artist, Laurel Smith


Moving Light in Kosmos Journal

The Spring/Summer 2011 issue of Kosmos Journal
includes 4 pages of images by Laurel Smith from Moving Light Gallery.

Moving Light in Kosmos Journal - Images by Laurel Smith

Deva ~ Goddess, Dancing Light #32, Light Spectrums #16
and Lightwaves #10.

This is a beautiful journal for global citizens creating planetary
civilization and world community, with art and photography
galleries along with some amazing articles.

Visit http://www.kosmosjournal.org for information,
print and digital versions.

You will find the 4 pages of my art on pages 74-78
of the digital version.

You can also find Kosmos Journal in Barnes and Noble stores
and independent bookstores, distributed throughout the United States,
Canada and the world.

From the inside cover of the journal:

"Kosmos is an ancient Greek term meaning
harmony and beauty of the universe wherein all
parts have their place in the Whole. It signifies
humanity's alignment with the unchanging ground
of being and the evolutionary organic forces of Nature.
Kosmos Associates embraces body, mind, soul and
spirit evolving in consciousness, cultures, worldviews,
institutions and nations towards a planetary civilization
and world community."

For further information contact:
Laurel Smith, (847) 814-8395

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Tribute to Jose Arguelles

"Time is not money. Time is Art."

Jose Arguelles passed away on March 23, 2011.
I am working on a Light Portrait series
as a tribute to him, not yet finished.

I have posted three images to my galleries from this series.

View Tribute Gallery.

José's Apprentice, Stephanie South who was with him at his passing shared:

"Valum Votan/Jose Arguelles departed this Planet on Solar Moon 17 (March 23), Red Spectral Moon, at 6:10 a.m (the exact same time that he was born in 1939 in the Red Spectral Moon year). After a short illness, he slipped away in complete peace.

"The message that he wanted me to convey to kin is that everything is now the responsibility of the people who have heard the message. There is much work to be done. He said to tell all kin: "EVERYTHING IS PERFECT!!! Love everyone. Hate no one. God bless everyone." He will now be assisting the closing of the cycle from the other side of the veil...

"Perfect was my time of coming. Perfect was my mission. Perfect was the time of my going. Perfect is the discovery of my prophecy ." Telektonon 11.67

KIN ALL AROUND THE WORLD WILL BE HOLDING CEREMONY FOR JOSE ARGUELLES - Friday March 25, Blue Cosmic Monkey, at NOON PDTAs Stephanie wrote: "Send him your prayers, light and blessings to continue his spirit journey and also visualize the rainbow bridge and the Return of Light."

Please find more details here: http://www.lawoftime.org/
Here is a brief list of José Argüelles' accomplishments:José Argüelles was the initiator of the Harmonic Convergence global peace meditation of 1987 and is the one who first introduced the date December 21, 2012 into mass consciousness with The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology. Argüelles is also the founder of the annual Whole Earth Festival (1970) in California, and one of the originators of the Earth Day concept.
Up until this moment Jose was director of the Noosphere II project of the Foundation's Galactic Research Institute, inclusive of the First Noosphere World Forum, a project that involves creating a dialogue that unifies a network of organizations working to promote a positive shift of consciousness by 2012 with the vision of the whole earth as a work of art.

Immediately following the 2012 Tipping Point: The Prophets Conference Cancun Jose Arguelles was honored with The Nicholas Roerich Medal, the highest award of the International Committee of the Banner of Peace, NonGovernmental Organization of the United Nations.

More here http://13moon.com/Votan-bio.htmI


Artists Donate to Japan

My heart goes out to the Japanese people!

Many artists on Zazzle are donating designs to help the Japanese people.
All royalties will be donated to relief efforts.

This is great if you are looking for a gift to give.
They also provide a link to donate directly to the Red Cross.

You can view all designs donated here:

I created three designs for this so far ~
Here is one of the products, an iPhone case.

There are many ways to give. This is just one of them.

Truth and Beauty is the blog for Moving Light Gallery.

Copyright © Laurel Smith 2000-2025
All Rights Reserved

Moving Light is a Registered Trademark of Moving Light Inc.
Moving Light Gallery is a Trademark of Moving Light Inc.

(847) 814-8395