
Emergence of the Divine Feminine

Join us for the Opening Reception of Emergence of the Divine Feminine Art Exhibit and Festival, Friday October 2, 5pm to 10pm, in Chicago. I was one of the organizers for this beautiful show and will be showing art there. Press Release is below with details!

“Emergence Of The Divine Feminine” Multi-Arts Festival, Oct 1- 31, 2009

Chicago,IL - Showcasing the diverse work of over twenty international artists, Emergence of the Divine Feminine brings together visual artists, musicians, and speakers for a month long multi-arts festival, October 1 - 31 at Life Force Arts Center (3148 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago). A variety of artistic mediums will be represented including drawing, painting, shamanic dance, video, live music, ritual, and a presentation by celebrated spiritual author Andrew Harvey. As part of Chicago Artists Month, Emergence of the Divine Feminine brings compassion and loving kindness to Chicago with this inspirational artwork. The festival's opening reception is on October 2nd at 5pm. For more information, contact 773-327-7224 www.LifeForceArts.org
The Divine Feminine Cultures have been creating art inspired by the female aspect of God since the earliest times. In the past this idea has manifested itself in various forms such as Goddess, Great Mother, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, and Divine Mother of the Universe. Emergence of the Divine Feminine exhibits art that explores different ways in which this theme wants to be expressed for our modern times: Bold, Beautiful, and Powerful.

In the call for visual art, the organizers posed an open question: What is the Divine Feminine? The artistic response was as interesting as it was diverse. In the process of creating their work, some artists have undergone an intense inner exploration to find their own divine nature. “Some of the work is more energetic than literal,” says festival creator and contributor Laurel Smith. “It has a feeling quality that creates an experience that is far more powerful than just looking at artwork. We are all here to awaken our own divine nature”. Emergence of the Divine Feminine has a powerful energetic component that the audience can absorb; the artwork acts as a transformational conduit.

Artists in the show come from around the country and the globe. Deborah Eidson, a clairvoyant photographer from Texas has several pieces in the show. Her perceptive photography seems to penetrate the veils of the unknown, giving us a glimpse into another realm, rich with the birthing energies that formed our Universe. Victoria Christian, a mystical artist from Oregon, will be showing her video entitled, “Feminine Mysticism in Art: Artists Envisioning the Divine”. This colorful and inspirational slide show of transcendental art synchronized to uplifting music is a stunning collaboration of artworks by over fifty contemporary visionary artists from an assortment of spiritual traditions. Several prominent Chicago artists will be featured in the show, including Pat Otto, Michael Zieve, and Sharka Glet. Sharka will be presenting depictions of four Archangels in feminine form. These vibrant paintings convey a powerful new idea about the identity and essence of traditionally masculine icons. All artwork on display will be available for sale.

With events throughout the month of October, Emergence of the Divine Feminine will have its opening reception on October 2nd at 5pm and will feature an acoustic music performance by Massachusetts' Faebotica. Video presentations will be shown at A La Turka Turkish Kitchen (3134 N Lincoln Ave). The festival will also have a few events before the reception including including a workshop by author Andrew Harvey on September 30 and a performance by Australian singer/songwriter Wendy Rule on October 1st.

Emergence of the Divine Feminine is about people becoming in touch with themselves, with aspects of their personality that they might be unfamiliar with. The show offers the rare chance to be touched by something powerful and beautiful. Emergence of the Divine Feminine is a spiritually uplifting event that is meant to bring inspiration, healing, and transformation to its audience.

Emergence of the Divine Feminine

October 1 - 31

Pre-Festival events September 26 -30

Life Force Arts Center
3148 N Lincoln Ave.

Calendar of Events: http://tiny.cc/DivineFeminine
Includes list of artists.

Opening Reception: October 2nd, 5pm
Gallery Hours: 12 - 6 every day; for additional viewing hours, please contact 773-327-7224
Continued events throughout October.

Location : Life Force Arts Center, 3148 N Lincoln, Chicago 60657
Contact : 773-327-7224 or info@LifeForcearts.org

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(847) 814-8395