What Are Light Portraits?

Imagine going beyond the mind to deeper layers within yourself through transmissions of light and color.

I am a mystical artist who has explored the realms of light and the various dimensions of creation within myself ~ taking mystical pathways to experience divine light and discovering the ultimate realm of pure Being. For many years, this exploration has taken me on different journeys as I needed to learn new knowledge and gain understanding, including studying with spiritual teachers and masters from the East and West, several trips to India and the world's sacred sites and power spots.

Since 1998, the exploration took me into art as a vehicle and doorway to the Divine. Working with the energy of creation has been an absolute thrill.   In 2003, I was inspired to pursue creating "Light Portraits", originally calling them "Light Code Portraits". Through the process of creating, the energy moves, flows, opens all channels of subtle energy within me. The flow of energy continues as it flows up and expands me. I move beyond thought, beyond mind, beyond the material realm. The joy of creating takes me into ecstatic states ~ into pure joy, pure happiness and bliss.

Friends and clients challenged me to create Light Portraits from photographs of a person, symbols and archetypes, photos of power places, even concepts, ideas and feelings.

What is your intention? What are you looking to bring into your life? to Manifest? What part of yourself do you want to see? What abilities do you want to bring forth?

Intention begins the process. The process of creating Light Portraits is both mystical and technical, while I create on the computer. The end result expresses unique patterns of light and color, dimensional, energetic, flowing, magical, defined for a specific person or intention or universal for all.  The question arises:  how can the art be used for healing, transformation and evolving ~ your self, your space, the environment and the world?

Each Light Portrait acts as a portal for deeper understanding, both of the inner self and of the universe. Transmissions of light penetrate beyond the mind of the viewer, serving to awaken the knowing that is already present within each person. Pathways and life purpose become more clear. Changes accelerate. Creativity blossoms.  Inner peace dawns.  The Light Portrait encourages us to honor the feeling sense ~ for the energy of the art, for the inner self and for the outer world. 

The light that flows through the art ultimately initiates the viewer into previously hidden realms of light and knowledge that connect us with the Divine. 

Sound intriguing?

Receive the personal blessings of the Light Portraits and bring blessings to your environment. 



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All Rights Reserved

Moving Light is a Registered Trademark of Moving Light Inc.
Moving Light Gallery is a Trademark of Moving Light Inc.

(847) 814-8395